THE WHEELS OF LIFE Online Lectures

led by Helen Reddin

May 28th - June 18th 2024

7pm-9pm (Ireland / UK time), Online via Zoom

Booking fee: €110 (includes all 4 lectures & Video Recordings)


THE CELTIC WHEEL - MAY 28th, 7pm-9pm

Various wisdom traditions use the symbol of the wheel and circle to teach universal truths about the structure of the world and time, the nature of the psyche and the purpose of our lives. Each wisdom tradition has their own teaching wheels.

The Celtic Wheel contains indigenous wisdom teachings given to us by our Ancestors to describe and understand the flow of Life and to find our orientation within it. It illustrates the forces of the deep unconscious that keep us moving through the great cycles of time. All of our actions take place in an all-pervading field of existence that is constantly in flux.

Through the blessings of the Earth festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine and Lughnasadh, and the Solar celebrations of the Solstices and Equinoxes, the Celtic Wheel teaches us about the revolving cycles of time and the relationship between Light and Dark, Earth and Sun, God and Goddess, People and Nature in a continual ebb and flow. This brings us into harmony with the larger cycle of the Cosmos reflected in the night sky as the constellations and planets which form a mandala of the Self as it moves through Time and Space. In the Celtic Wheel the human world and the Otherworld overlap as the quantitative and qualitative aspects of Time seamlessly join together in an ever-revolving dance to place our lives in its proper perspective within the Great Round.

In this lecture we will explore the 4 elements, the Celtic mythological cycle, the 4 Shining Cities of the Sidhe and their Treasures, the 4 Lunar fire festivals and the Solar solstices and equinoxes.

THE WHEEL OF POWER - JUNE 4th, 7pm-9pm

Various wisdom traditions use the symbol of the Wheel to teach universal truths about the structure of the world and time, the nature of the psyche and the purpose of our lives. Each wisdom tradition has their own teaching wheel. The Wheel symbolises the sacred space containing all indigenous collective knowledge. It serves as a receptacle for the sacred wisdom of the Ancestors and is a place of healing and unity, where everything is related and connected.

The Teaching Wheel is a symbol of power, wisdom and grace, given to us by Spirit to inform and guide us on our journey through Life. It is an archetypal symbol of wholeness containing vast libraries of knowledge which is our responsibility to come to understand.

There is no beginning or end to the Wheel, only points of reference which change and move as we constantly rebalance our actions, thoughts, and feelings to become whole human beings, alive to all possibilities and in harmony with all the Worlds of the Earth.

The Wheel contains the patterns, laws, and keys which unlock the Sacred Design of our being and move us towards the wisdom of the Self, the unfathomable archetypal mysterious character at the core of our being.

In this lecture we will explore the 4 Elements, the 4 Laws of Being, the 8 Directions, the 4 Worlds and other gifts and powers of the Self as it Dreams us into Being

THE BHAVACHAKRA - JUNE 11th, 7pm-9pm

The Bhavachakra, meaning Wheel of Becoming, is a Buddhist teaching wheel concerning the origin of the conceptual mind and its attitudes.

It is a map of the psyche illustrating the forces at work which control how and what the mind can perceive. The attitudes of our ego-mind keep us operating from a false self, cycling through our negative complexes and neuroses leaving us perplexed and disturbed at where we find ourselves, repeating crisis after crisis, generation after generation. We live by many delusions, and one of them is that we experience the true nature of reality, but what we experience is created by our own inner psychological states of mind.

Jung said that the ego-mind is a chain of causation carried by karma. The Bhavachakra teaches us how to break the chain of causation to transform our ego-mind and reveal our true nature. We learn to see the projections of the mind for what they are - the habits and conditionings of a limited consciousness trapped in an endless cycle of repetition.

To change our idea of ourselves and the world is the crux of all spiritual and esoteric paths; this is an essential act if we are to evolve and grow. The path to enlightenment is through our own mind, not outside it.

In this lecture we will explore the 12 links in the chain of interdependent origination, the 6 egoic states of mind, the 5 components of existence, and the 3 poisons and their antidotes.

THE WHEEL OF AZOTH - JUNE 18th, 7pm-9pm

Alchemy is the study of transformation. Jung called it the ‘science of the Soul.’ The true goal of alchemy is not to gain wealth or power, the art of alchemy is concerned with psychological transformation: changing the ego-personality into something infinitely precious - an awakened consciousness liberated from the conditioned mind.

In this lecture we will be studying the alchemical Wheel of Azoth. Azoth is the name of the universal Life Force, the evolutionary force of the Cosmos. This is the universal medicine, the elixir of life, the unifying force capable of reconciling all of Nature.

The Wheel of Azoth contains instructions on how to transform our psychological burdens: the mental anguish of our negative complexes and neuroses; the places where we are unrelated, stubborn and fixed in our attitudes, feelings and beliefs. ‘Things oppress us not because of an objective world, but because of a self-deceiving mind.’

In the Wheel of Azoth we collect our scattered psyche which we have projected onto the outer world, and by means of the 7 Alchemical Operations create the Philosopher’s Stone - the unified Cosmic Self. We become rooted in a larger reality that gives us resilience, endurance and wisdom, linking us to the vast archetypal realms of the Objective Psyche.

In this lecture we will discuss the 7 stages of transformation described in the ancient Emerald Tablet - Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation and Coagulation. We will examine the 7 heavenly bodies of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, and their terrestrial counterparts of lead, tin, iron, gold, copper, mercury and silver. We will also discuss the 3 foundational principles of Sulphur, Mercury and Salt.

Book your place now:

Booking fee: €110

(includes the four lectures & Video Recordings)

- Bookings and fees for Jung Centre events are non-refundable.

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