A one-day Workshop on Dream-Interpretation - led by Ireland’s leading Jungian Psychologist Jasbinder Garnermann
At critical times in our lives, dreams come to the rescue. Just when personal resources fail us, dreams give us access to the wisdom and intelligence of the collective unconscious, restoring the regularities and rhythms that safeguard our mental and physical health.
We'll also be talking about the extraordinary creativity of the unconscious, and its choice of dream symbols which contain our most intimate history, and yet move us forward to what we are still to become.
Topics for the day:
• Anxiety dreams and dreams during lockdown
• Dreams that address old wounds
• Decoding complexes
• Dreams that alert us to potential dangers
• The state of Ego-Defenses: too rigid or too fragile?
• The Body in Dreams
• Archetypal Dreams
• Dreams around significant dates
• Budgeting of libido
• Crossing thresholds and levels of consciousness
• Growth directions, and what action is required?